Wednesday, August 6, 2008


ever heard of the game solitaire? of course u have. the card game that can be solo-ed. and there's the song solitaire too. about a lonely dude playing solitaire all by himself in solitude. duh-ish. solitude is something that everyone experiences all the time. u can't always be with friends or have company around u 24-7, yes? don't tell me u even have to make trips to the loo with someone chatting beside u while u drop ur load, excuse me, ahahaha. people will be by themselves one time or the other. so here's the general picture:

ur with ur friends in a restaurant, presumably white. u see these dude/chick by him/herself walk in to the place and calls food and drink and just sits there by him/herself eating and drinking. pitiful? kesian-able? sad-case? un-sociable fella? these should be the normal thoughts that people think, especially ESPECIALLY when they have someone beside them to back up their opinion. but no, not necessarily does a person who goes around alone, eats alone, studies alone, plays alone mean that he/she is a sad unsociable freak that's really sad and lonely. no no no.

which also brings me to the second point. first impressions. we all give first impressions. we all make first impressions. maybe its cuz i've been walking to makan stalls by myself these few days that makes people say eh why u so sad one? no friends one ah? ahem hahahaha. its kinda funny. just cuz ur alone doesn't mean u dont have friends. u DONT HAVE TO eat with your friends with u all the time, although its fun to do so. its not A REQUIREMENT that u have to eat with your friends. friends are super important. of course they are. but it doesn't mean that u have to use them to boost ur image of being in a gang or something like that.

just being very random today, after being told by someone for the *th time, why're u sitting there alone studying with no one around u? just a gentle reminder, friends are the best. they're ur friends. u hang out with them. but just cuz u don't hang out with them cuz u were busy or u couldn't hang out with them or u wanted to BE ALONE BY URSELF for a while, doesn't DOESN'T MAKE U A SAD LONELY UNSOCIABLE GUY WHO PLAYS SOLITAIRE IN HIS SOLITUDE. roflmao. fomcroflmao. wat a guan man seriously wat a guan.

cheers to everyone and have a good day.

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