i'm so sick of it all. i'm sick of exams. i'm sick of getting that oh crap i think i made a mistake. did i? i can't remember. argh did i get it correct or not!!!???@##$%^% feeling. haha. we're all almost halfway through but like kar wye said the main course is coming next week. chemistry, don't even mention it. i think me and chemistry, we don't have that 'chemistry' there. lame joke.
yesterday we're all stressed and all, after a relatively easy mechanics paper compared to all the other big guns coming our way, here's where we all lost our heads. we (me thomas kar wye jun hao kurtwin sin yen and yun hsi) headed to the cafe for a quick snack. me and thomas bought some ice kacang while kurt and sin yen and jun hao bought some kaya balls and hotdogs and drinks. thomas started getting competitive with the ABC which kinda challenged me to a who-can-finish-one-huge-bowl-of-ABC-first competition, which i promptly won. ^^ thomas got his *** kicked by some cendol and red beans. rofl. and now, this just shows what exams and study pressure do to your brains.
kar wye dished out something he saw where a malay guy or something sliced a 2B pencil in half with just a thin paper card, the usual calling cards u get around? yeah. yun hsi held a 2B pencil steady and then kar wye held the 'blade' high and then..... what do you think? possible? haha. i dunno where or how he saw the malay guy do that, but THE FLIMSY PIECE OF PAPER CUT THROUGH THE 2B PENCIL LIKE HOT KNIFE THROUGH BUTTER. it wasn't his fist that broke the pencil either, it was a clean straight cut. no jagged edges or anything. the whole wood and lead was cut in half like a razor just sliced through. amazing???
joking la. nothing happened. or maybe we didn't slice at the proper angle. haha. all we got were a few sore and bruised hands due to all the failed attempts and plenty of bent cards everywhere. bleh. so the moral of the story is.......
dont' study too hard, it'll do things to your brain. :)
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